Christmas Day
In the morning, Psalms 2, 85
In the evening, Psalms 110:1-1(6-7), 132
Micah 4:1-5, 5:2-4
1 John 4:7-16
John 3:31-26
December 26
In the morning, Psalms 28, 30
2 Chronicles 24:17-22
Acts 6:1-7
In the evening, Psalm 118
Wisdom 4:7-15
Acts 7:59-8:8
December 27
In the morning, Psalms 97, 98
Proverbs 8:22-30
John 13:20-35
In the evening, Psalm 145
Isaiah 44:1-8
1 John 5:1-12
December 28
In the morning, Psalms 2, 26
Isaiah 49:13-23
Matthew 18:1-14
In the evening, Psalms 19, 126
Isaiah 54:1-13
Mark 10:13-16
The First Sunday after Christmas
In the morning, Psalms 93, 96
In the evening, Psalm 34
1 Samuel 1:1-2, 7b-28
Hebrews 2: 10-18
Matthew 1:18-25
December 29
In the morning, Psalm 18:1-20
In the evening, Psalm 18:21-50
If this is Saturday, use Psalms 23 and 27 in the evening.
2 Samuel 23:13-17b
Revelation 1:1-8
John 7:37-52
December 30
In the morning, Psalms 20, 21:1-7(8-14)
In the evening, Psalms 23, 27
1 Kings 17:17-24
Revelation 1:9-20
John 7:53-8:11
December 31
In the morning, Psalms 46, 48
1 Kings 3:5-14
2 Corinthians 5:16-6:2
John 8:12-19
In the evening, Psalm 90
Isaiah 65:15b-25
Revelation 21:1-6
January 1, Holy Name
In the morning, Psalm 103
In the evening, Psalm 148
Isaiah 62:1-5, 10-12
Colossians 2:6-12
John 16:23b-30
The Second Sunday after Christmas
In the morning, Psalms 66, 67
In the evening, Psalm 145
Wisdom 7:3-14
Colossians 3:12-17
John 6:41-47
January 2
In the morning, Psalm 34
In the evening, Psalm 33
1 Kings 19:1-8
Ephesians 4:1-16
John 6:1-14
January 3
In the morning, Psalm 68
In the evening, Psalm 72
If this is Saturday, use Psalm 136 in the evening.
1 Kings 19:9-18
Ephesians 4:17-32
John 6:15-27
January 4
In the morning, Psalms 85, 87
In the evening, Psalm 89:1-29
If this is Saturday, use Psalm 136 in the evening
Joshua 3:14-4:7
Ephesians 5:1-20
John 9:1-12, 35-38
January 5
In the morning, Psalms 2, 110:1-5(6-7);
Jonah 2:2-9
Ephesians 6:10-20
John 11:17-27, 38-44
In the evening, Psalms 29, 98
Isaiah 66: 18-23
Romans 15:7-13